Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Waiting on the Precipice

We stand on the precipice of a new year. That usually brings feelings of hope for what could be, and reflection on what has been. And something in the middle called waiting. Hope for what could be and wonder that is hasn't happened yet. I wonder, at the end of the year, what you are waiting for.

When it comes to living beyond your past do you, like Rahab, stand waiting, watching, for the final straw that will usher you into the unfettered life you've hoped for?  When the words” leave behind” and “live beyond” will be more than hope, they’ll be reality?

Rahab watched, and then she heard it. How much had she heard about Him! She was hearing the sound of His faithfulness. He was coming to rescue her. First it was the rumbling of the army marching, then the trumpets. For six days, she heard the sounds of deliverance.

But still she waited.

On the precipice of a new day, the sound of the army and trumpets filled the air. This time, something more rang out.
"Shout! For the LORD has given you the city! The city and all that is in it are to be devoted to the LORD. Only Rahab the prostitute and all who are with her in her house shall be spared, because she hid the spies we sent.” (Josh. 6:16-17)
The Hebrew word for “let live” or in my NIV1984 “shall be spared” is chayah and it means to live, to revive, give (promise) life, nourish up, preserve (alive), recover, repair, restore (to life), revive, God save (alive, life, lives), surely, be whole.

Be whole.

Stop and breathe it in.

Yes surely, to be whole.

He is faithful to every individual to make them whole when they believe. Not just get you out of sin yet still be broken; rather to deliver you and make you whole. God showed up for Rahab and the command was: destroy this place that is wicked and that holds her in, and let her surely be whole. God promised her Life and it was time to live in it.

Are you ready for your walls to come down? Are you ready to be revived and restored to life? Are you starving to be nourished up? Do you surely want to be whole?

Then the time has come. Right now, those walls can come down! Jericho’s walls were no match for the I AM. They were brought down in an instant and never rebuilt. Everything inside was devoted (or given over) to God, never to be taken back.

Wholeness for us, as for Rahab, means that walls that have held in place the lies and sin residing in our spirits, souls, and bodies are going to come down. The walls of life patterns, views of the world and sex, how we approach relationships, how we view men and ourselves, how we see our bodies, even how we have, until now, understood and related to God—all those walls are going to come down.  We do not have to be held captive or live any longer inside those walls. Christ said He came to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners. (Isa. 61:1) Christ’s life and death were the shout, and His resurrection brought the walls down! Now we get to leave behind the rubble of our old spirit-soul-body ways and walk in wholeness and new life with Jesus. What are we waiting for?

With the thrill of His freedom in full view, understand that wholeness also means everything inside the walls is going to have to be given over completely to God. None of that will be allowed to be held on to, or come with us when we leave. It can’t be a part of living beyond, because we won’t really be living beyond. We’ll just move a bit and claim a “fresh start,” only to discover that we brought trouble and destruction with us. (Josh. 6:18)

Take time to consider what you are waiting for. Do you believe that God can bring down the walls that you have built up in your spirit, soul (the seat of thoughts and emotions), and body that stand against Him and hold you and your sin inside them? Whether you feel captive or in some ways comfortable, talk to Him about what’s inside your walls that you’ll have to give to Him. He knows already, but He wants to engage your heart and show you what real freedom means.

If you stand on the precipice of living beyond your past, today is your day. Today, the walls come down. Today, you get to leave your past behind. Today, you get to be whole.

Just another seed of my faith,


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Divine Interruption

Christmas is coming. What we celebrate around this time, in all the glitter and gifts, food and fun, is The Story. Christmas is our way of remembering exactly how Jesus took center stage. How He interrupted humanity’s story to take it in a new direction.

He does that, you know. Shows up, and creates a point on which everything in our stories hinge. Like the manger, it often doesn’t glitter, but looking back, we realize that it was that Divine interruption that set our rescue in motion. It was that moment when ordinary and old gave way to extraordinarily new.
Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. "Go, look over the land," he said, "especially Jericho." So they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there. --Joshua 2:1
Rahab had no idea the spies were going to show up that day. Rahab woke up, got out of bed and put her two feet on the floor that morning just as every morning; just as you and I do.

Picture, as best you can, God on His throne in heaven.  He knew before time began, that this woman Rahab, in all of her inglorious, unrighteous mess, would be a part of His Story. While it was an ordinary day in Jericho, something extraordinary was happening in heaven. God was guiding those spies right to Rahab. There are no “it just happened to be” or coincidences with God. For the spies, “God knew there was one that would be true to them, though they did not.” (Matthew Henry) Use that same lens to look at Rahab and realize that God knew there was one that would be true to Him, though she did not yet know Him. She had heard about Him. But God knew of her faith and faithfulness, even before she did!

Can you recall a day when you woke up and put both feet on the floor, not knowing God would interrupt your day, your story, and your life, and Divine interruption would mean you were never again the same?

I recall a day where at my lowest, in the depths of rebellion and sexual sin, I had a very candid conversation with God. Whenever I was confronted with my sin, my soul just bled pain and then bubbled with more rebellion. That day I asked God to leave me alone and not convict me anymore. Looking back now, that was the day where I most felt His presence. It was the turning point in my story. It wasn’t a great day of my faithfulness; it was a great day of His! That day God refused to leave me alone and He let me know He was relentlessly pursuing me in my unfaithfulness. He knew the end of my story and He knew that He would rescue me, and I would be rescued. He saw me in my ordinary day of sexual sin, and He knew of my faith and faithfulness, even before I did.

Do you see that God planned your rescue? He planned to let you hear stories of redemption. He planned to stir faith in you that He is the I AM, for you and not just for “others.” He planned to interrupt an ordinary day filled with ordinary life and the patterns of sin that had become so ordinary to you. He planned to stop you in your tracks and extend a hand for you grab on to. He saw you and He knew of your faith and faithfulness before you did. How did He know? Because the rescue was all on Him. Because He sits in a place of seeing the bigger story at work.

Read Ephesians 2:3-10. Use your Bible first, then see verses 7-10 in a fresh way in The Message.
Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish! We don't play the major role. If we did, we'd probably go around bragging that we'd done the whole thing! No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.
Whose idea and work is your salvation? (God’s)
Who gives grace to you? (God)
Who gives the gift of faith? (God)
Who “does both the making and saving?” (God)
Who prepares for you a new and active life beyond your past, a bigger story where He is at the center? (God)

God does it all! This is the Good News!  

Interrupted in the ordinary. Intersected at the precise time. Irrevocably altering the direction. God showing up to change everything. That is God’s story played out again and again. That’s not just a Christmas story, or someone else’s story, it’s the Bigger Story at work in your life. And He already knows how it ends.

Your faith.
Your faithfulness.
A life beyond your past.

Just another seed of my faith,


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Knowing I AM

Your Bible most likely has this name written in all caps. It is God’s name that was to convey that He was a personal God with a personal name. He would be rescuing a people that were personally His with a personal purpose for Himself and them based on a personal promise He made with Abraham a long time before.

I AM. This same One has extended His hand to rescue us. He's the One we get to know.  

I AM was the One Rahab was grabbing onto for rescue as well. Why did she trust His hand? How did Rahab even know about Him? What did she know about Him? 

Numbers 14:13-14 tells us that stories were pouring out of Egypt about how God had rescued the Israelites. These stories had reached Jericho, where Rahab lived, and were powerful enough to make the city melt with fear. 

Not just rumor, but true story had it that "You, O LORD, are with these people and that You, O LORD, have been seen face to face, that Your cloud stays over them, and that You go before them in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night." 

Sometimes it's hard to think that words like cloud, pillar, and O LORD from Numbers fit into our own desire to live beyond our pasts. But consider the deeper truths Rahab believed as she reached out to grab onto I AM--the God…

Who is God. Whatever her experience with gods and worship in Jericho, and whatever her heart had wanted or wondered about gods, she was now certain of this one thing. I AM, this final, real name for the real true God told her He alone was God and He did these mighty deeds which she had heard about. She declared by faith that He was over everything, everywhere. (Josh. 2:11)

Who had a people He fought for.  The stories revealed that Israel was free. They were no longer slaves that belonged to masters; they belonged to a God Who fought for them to give them this new life. Rahab "belonged" for a moment to whoever purchased her body. I wonder if the reality of Israel’s freedom and a God Who fought for them gave her faith that she would no longer have to belong to someone for a moment, or for a price, because she could be free and truly belong to Him. I AM would fight for her, rescue her, and bring her into this new life.

Who could be known. He also was a God Who seemed to invite an intimate, personal knowing of Who He was. Moses had seen Him face to face. God had openly described Himself to Moses in Exodus 34:5-7a. 
Then the LORD came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the LORD. And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. 

Stop here and really consider the truths He shared about Who He is and how He relates to us int he verse above. God was in a relationship with His people—intimately knowing, and being known—and she could experience that too!

Who never abandoned or left His people alone. Regardless of what they did, He was committed to being with them. He stayed over them and went before them in every step. As a woman who had men come and go in her life, who had been perpetually exposed, and daily consumed and abandoned, her experience with Him could be radically different.

Can you relate to Rahab?

  Do you long to really know God? 
Not just what others have said or dreamed up or made Him out to be?
Do you hunger for Him to be real and powerful 
and more than a human conjuring of what a god might be?
 Do you desire to be free, living a new life where you truly belong?
Do you wish someone would be present and stay?
Do you hold out hope that you could fully know Him 
and be known for all you really are: spirit, soul, and body?
 Do you ache to be covered and never abandoned or alone again?

Rahab, by hearing, knew LORD, I AM, was a God that did those things. Surely if God could deliver and save them from Egypt, I AM could do it for her.

He could.

She believed.

If you have never heard it, hear it now. I am telling you, God is your personal, rescuing, redeeming God with a purpose for you that fits into His greater story where His glory gets center stage. He is the answer to every one of your longings, desires, secret hopes, and aching hungers. He is that God, and you are that person. 

Will you believe? 

Just another seed of my faith,