Friday, March 22, 2013

Praying Over Your Home Room by Room

When you move into a new place, or when you have had changes or circumstances happen in your home, you may feel a stirring inside you that you should pray over it. What does that look like?
Honestly, we began doing this when we lived in apartments because we had no idea who had lived there before or what had happened in that apartment before us. We wanted to be sure that nothing spiritual that was not of God was left lingering in there as we moved in. We have grown in our faith walk with Christ and believe now that not only can you usher out the "old," but you can also invite a spirit of grace, hospitality, and purpose into your home along with your boxes and furniture. As a note, we have also prayed to usher sickness and bad influences out of our home. God has been faithful to answer those prayers with a "yes," and we have seen healing and felt the sweet relief of restored purity in our home as a result of His answer to our prayer. What I share here is our experience in praying over our home when we move-in. It's my hope that this helps you know not only "how-to" pray but scripture to use as you pray.

The heart-approach
To consecrate means to make or declare sacred; set apart, to devote to some purpose. Other words that you might use are dedicate or bless. When you pray over your home, you are saying as a couple, family, or roommates...
"We stand firmly before the Lord and in agreement with each other that this home belongs to the LORD. It is for His purpose, and we dedicate this whole house to His service."
Those aren't just words you speak so that your house is magically fit for move-in and safe, unscary living; that's a declaration of a way you plan to live in His grace and follow His ways. I firmly believe that you cannot say that and then have things in your heart, attitude, and hands that tell a different story. What you bring into or allow into your home must match up with the prayers you will pray over your home. So really, you are not just consecrating your home, you are consecrating yourselves. God will do amazing things among us when we consecrate ourselves to Him! (Josh. 3:5)

Getting ready

I believe that because what we are praying about is spiritual, we should be certain we don't go into it without being prepared and covered. God tells us in Ephesians that we don't struggle against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Eph. 6:12) Since you don't know who has lived in or what has been invited into your home before you (even if it's new!), you'd hate to go into battle unarmed and naked. God has allowed us to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power against those things, but it requires His full armor. (v. 10, 13)
Here's how I put on the armor of God before we pray over our home. If the part of the armor that I am putting on does not line up with how I am living, I confess it right then and there. Consider how He is leading you put on His armor.
"God, You have given us this ground, this home. We desire to stand on it and live in it. (v. 13) God, we do not know who has lived here, what has happened here, or what we are coming into in praying over our home, so we need YOU. We need Your protection, and Your full armor. God, we stand firm, as Your children, and choose to put on...
  • the belt of truth; may truth be at the core of who were are. May truth hold all of our armor together. We agree that You desire truth in our innermost parts. (Ps. 51: 6)
  • the breastplate of righteousness; may Your righteousness cover the most vital parts of who we are. Because of the gospel, we have Your righteousness. (2 Cor. 5:21) Now may Your righteousness cover our hearts and every breath we take.
  • the feet that are fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace; God, as we stand, may we remember we stand on this ground firmly because of Your victory in Jesus Christ on the cross. We are now at peace with You because of the gospel. (Ro. 5:1-2) May we be ready to both stand and fight, knowing we have victory in You. No one can take this territory from You or us because of Christ!
God, we take up the shield of faith that says: You are Who You say You are, You can do what You say You can do, we are who You say we are, we can do all things through Christ Who gives us strength, and God's Word is alive and active in us. (Beth Moore, Believing God) Satan's fiery arrows cannot penetrate or stay aflame with that shield that covers us fully! God, we receive the helmet of salvation. Protect our minds. Cover the part of us that gives life, since because of salvation we now have Life in You. May we not forget that.
Finally God, we take the sword of the Spirit. It's a short sword, so we know the battle will come close, but we know it's a double-edged sword. (Heb. 4:12) God, we will use Your Words, which are power, to do battle in this place. You spoke creation into existence, we believe fully that Your words will conquer and will rule over anything that is in this place that is not of You. In the power and Name of Jesus, Amen."
While you can do this as a couple, family, or roommates, we have had a great experience having our pastor and his family come over and pray with us. Consider a pastor, friend you respect because of their authentic walk with Christ, or some believers you love with whom you know you'll be sharing your home and have them come pray with you. There are no professional "pray-ers" just ordinary saints that love Jesus with you and feel confident coming before the throne of God with you. (Heb. 4:16)


Praying Room by Room

We start at the front of the house and work our way to the back. We lay our hands on the walls or doorways or furniture, and sometimes we hold hands. I have heard a story of a couple that planted small stakes (they were chopsticks!) at the four corners of their property and marked off God's territory and prayed that way as well. Some of our friends anoint the doorways and walls with oil. Together, inside and out, however God leads!
For each room, we think of all the things that will happen there. What do we desire for these rooms or the people that live in them? What would God's way be for this space? How will Christ be at the center of this room and what happens here? Then we pray over those things. Ask God to show you scripture and more word themes specific to your home. I want to encourage you that we pray very candidly with our Holy God, so you will see that in our prayers. Be bold and candid too: it's your home! Get personal!
God, this is Your home. You commanded Your people a long time ago, to hear that You are God, You are it, fully God, the only One. You told them to write Your worship and Your ways on their doorways. Your worship and Your ways begin with loving You. May our home be one of loving the LORD our God with our all heart and with all our soul and with all our strength. God, may this home be a place where we impress on our children Your love and ways and worship of You only. May our home be filled of talk of You. As we go throughout our day, may we worship and love You along the way. May our rooms, our getting up and laying down, be all about You. This is a huge request, but You are a huge God. You are LORD. This is Your home. Be here, O God. (Deut. 6:4-9)

Front Entryway
Father, we humbly invite Your Spirit in to dwell in this place. Fill it up! Welcome, Spirit! We ask that as You come in and fill this place that others would feel welcomed too. We pray that this is a place where our neighbors would feel invited in, and that we be wise and make the most of every opportunity with them. May this entryway into our home be one of hope, gentleness, and respect towards our neighbors, rooted in the gospel. May it be a place where our brothers and sisters enter in and because of Christ feel hospitality and know Your goodness. (Eph. 5:15-16, 1 Pet. 3:15, Gal. 6:10, Ro. 12:13)
O God, what a place! So often this will be the center of our home. People will gather here the most. Father, we thank You and trust You for the basic provision of our needs here. May we never lack gratitude for how You provide. You are generous, and by Your extravagant grace in Christ we have so much! (Phil. 4:19) May we remember as we eat that You give us hunger each day to remind us that You meet all our needs, physically and spiritually. You fill us to the full! Father, we eat and drink and we celebrate in this place. You call that good! (Ecc. 2:24) May our celebrating always be unto You, because of You, and for Your glory. (1 Cor. 10:31) May we be together with others in this room with glad and sincere hearts, praising You. May we feast on Your love! (Acts 2:46-47, Eph. 3:18-19) May the meals we make in this place serve our friends. May our table, just like Yours, be one of grace. (Matt. 26:26-28) May we be known for our hospitality that comes without grumbling because we love each other deeply. (1 Pet. 4:9).
Living Room
Lord, this room, by its name, has life in it. You have called us to live a life worthy of the calling we have received. May we, because You have called us Yours in Christ, be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. May we make every effort in this home to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. (Eph. 4:2-3) May we choose life, and that life looks like loving the LORD our God, listening to His voice, and holding fast to Him. You are our LIFE! (Deut. 30:19-20). God, may the things we find entertaining reflect Your heart and the lives You have called us to because of the gospel. May we choose to guard our hearts and our eyes and prayerfully consider with You in this room what would glorify You. May the things we choose be good in Your sight, and may nothing in this room or from the media we use become a stronghold in our lives. God, this is where our family spends a lot of time. Savior, may we put down the media, the phones and iThings, thoughts of work and life, and truly connect with one another here. Show us Your way and how to worship You here, since this is where we sit in our home. (Deut. 6:7) LORD God, set apart our hearts and the hearts of our children, so that we will love You with all our hearts and with all our souls and live! (Deut. 30:6)
Lord, we work here and we organize our lives here. May the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands. (Ps. 90:17) May what we do here have integrity; may You uphold us in that. You see everything, and our work and integrity are in Your presence here. (Ps. 41:12) God, as we work may we remember that because of Your grace we are Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which You've prepared in advance for us to do. (Eph. 2:10) As we organize the life that You have given us, may we do Your will each day and be an instrument in Your hands of Your Kingdom coming. (Matt. 6:10) A few things happen here that we want to commit to You. One, the computer is in here. May nothing come through our computer and into our hearts and minds that is not of You, including pornography. May we have clean hands and hearts. (Ps. 24:4) And another thing, God, may our finances reflect the gospel.Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand. (1 Chr. 29:14) Because You have blessed us and been generous in grace, may we be a blessing. May we so know our friends and neighbors so well that we know their needs and can bless them! (Acts 2:44-45)
We want our bedrooms to be a place of rest. Because of You alone, can we lie down and sleep in peace. (Ps. 4:8) We praise You that while our rooms feel private, You are there. You have searched us and know us. You know when we sit and when we rise; You perceive our thoughts from afar. You discern our going out and our lying down; You are familiar with all our ways. You tuck or hem us in behind and before; You have laid Your hand upon us. This is more than we can even comprehend! (Ps. 139:1-6) Thank You! [Pray specific prayers for the rooms. For your room if you are married, consider things such as retreat, love, purity, oneness, a marriage that reflects Christ and the Church, etc. If you have kids, pray for their rooms personally as well. This may include rest, sharing a room well, protection, knowing Christ as Savior, purity, truth, etc. Stormie Omartian has prayer books about praying for your for husband/wife or kids. They are great resources!]

God, we stand in a place that represents our true selves, the vulnerable self we see in the mirror. May we perceive the beauty that You see in us and that You are shaping in us. May we honor You as Lord. (Ps. 45:11) May we be thankful for all the seasons of self and health. Since this is the place where we get ready for the day, may we be ready and willing to do Your will. Show us Your ways, O LORD, and teach us Your paths. (Ps. 25:4) And we ask that You would grant us a willing spirit to sustain us. (Ps. 51:12) [Pray specific things in here such as personal health issues, godly body image, etc. For our kids, the bathroom seems to be a place they feel scared. So we pray over their bathroom for peace and no fear, trusting that the only presence in that place is the Spirit.]
Then we head back to the front door, speaking any remaining joy and blessings that come to heart and mind along the way. Sometimes it is just short phrases of gratitude.
At the front door again, we pray this: "God, Your word says that 'unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain.' (Ps. 127:1) We want to build a home here and we don't want our efforts to be in vain. Please build our house, LORD. We have chosen whom we will serve. As for us, we will serve You, the LORD. (Josh 24:15) As we serve You, we stand firmly before You and in agreement with each other that this home belongs to the LORD. It is for Your purpose, and we dedicate this whole house to Your service. We stand and say by the power of Jesus Name, nothing is allowed to dwell here but the Spirit. May this place be one of light, life, Spirit, love, and hope. This is Your home, God. In Jesus Name, Amen."

What other scriptures does this stir up for you? Maybe you have a media room or a mud room? How can you pray and declare Christ and His gospel over those rooms? What a joy and privilege it has been to pray over the homes and apartments we have lived in over the years! God has shown up and we believe fully that His Spirit has not only taken permanent residence in us because of our salvation in Jesus, but He has moved into every home as well!

Just another seed of my faith,
