Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Name to Grab onto

(So, I've been editing and editing and editing and editing. You know I love words, and I have had to cut words by the thousands. It seems I can't edit and blog at the same time. So, the manuscript editing is done, and now we can pick up our journey together. Like good friends getting together for coffee, here we are again! To see our last conversation and remember where we left off, go to http://aseedofmyfaith.blogspot.com/2014/07/god-is-in-my-present-past-and-future.html)

I want to take a second and remind you why in the world we are looking at Rahab. She is a woman whose story comes full circle, from living in the mess of her culture to leaving it all behind and living in wholeness with God. The threads of her story tell us that what God did for her, He can do for us.

If we are going to live beyond our pasts, we need a way out. We may be in a place where we feel like we just need a leg up, a path revealed, or a hand to grab on to.

When our daughter was really little, it seemed her dolls were always falling off a cliff. They would be screaming this staring-death-in-the-face scream as their legs dangled over the edge of her bed, I mean, the cliff. Then someone steadily standing on the precipice would call out, “Gimme yor hand!” And the fair, screeching maiden would be rescued.

Many of us, like my daughter’s dolls, have been to the cliff’s edge. We have gone as far as we think we could go with this relationship, this need or desire, this approach to life, this sin, or “our pasts.” We want out; we seek healing, change, and freedom. In that place where we realize we need rescue, we need a hand that backs up the depth and weight of all truth, but a hand that’s easy to grab on to when trouble comes.

I AM THAT I AM is the depth and weight of God’s name. I AM is a shortened way of saying I AM THAT I AM. It’s the name God gave Israel to grab on to (Ex. 3:14) and the one Rahab grabbed on to in order to be rescued from the coming attack on her city. By His very name and nature, He extends His hand for us to reach out and grab onto Him too.

Who are we grabbing on to? I AM, LORD, tells each of us:

The LORD is committed to deliver us in ways that will show us Who He is. 

The LORD is committed to deliver us...
Like Rahab, the Israelites, and the rest of the world, God sees us as worth delivering. This shakes my soul, because I know how many times I felt like God wouldn't want to rescue me. I deserved to be where I was, and believed He felt that same way about me. I also know women who feel shame because once upon a time they said yes to rescue, and then went back into their old ways. They believe they had one shot at getting out and they blew it.  I believe many of us also think that time has run out for us. It's too late for rescue, so we resign to staying here, toughing it out, for the rest of our lives, maybe hoping time will help us feel better. (Has it?)

But He sees us as worth delivering. I know this, because He sent His Son when we were at our worst. We were His enemies and yet He still loved us and sent His Son to rescue us and bring us back to Himself. If we weren't worth delivering, He would not have made a way for rescue.

I AM says that He will rescue us out of sin, and shame, and the struggle with our pasts. Why? Because He doesn't leave anyone broken who desires to be whole. In the bigger picture, He desires that no one perish but that all come to repentance. (1 Pet. 3:9) He desires--wants--to rescue and bring us to a place of life with Him.

...in ways that will show us Who He is. 
But it gets better. He sees us as worth delivering and we will know Him by His delivering. Many of us may wonder if God rescues us if we'll really get to know Him. Will we be rescued because God rescues, but not get to have a close personal relationship with Him? Will the reason He had to rescue us be the very reason He will always hold us at arms length?

Think about rescue, about reaching out a hand and grabbing on. If you are drawn out of deep waters, your rescuer doesn't hold you away from his body. The strength of pulling you out of a terrible situation is found in arms that draw you up and towards the rescuer. You are wrapped in their arms, held close as you realize that you are finally safe. 

God grabs your hand and draws you into His loving, safe arms. He holds you there. You are pulled in close, but it doesn't stop there. You aren't dusted off, set upright, and left alone. Deliverance is the way we get to know Him personally, step by step, as He leads us out and beyond this place. It's being close to Him on a life journey of knowing Him. It starts with deliverance.

We will know Who He is by looking at what He has done.
This name, I AM, reminded Moses and the people that God had been known personally by their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and He had done amazing things for them.

For us, that is true as well. If we want to know God, we need to look at Jesus and what He has done. Christ expresses this truth in John 14:9-11. According to these verses we can see God if we look at Jesus. We see God at work through Jesus, and by listening to the words of Jesus.

I cannot think of a single story where someone called out in faith to be healed--taken from broken to whole, from living in this sinful or terrible place to getting to live in a new life--where Jesus denied that cry. I can think of so many where He reached out first! He loved to reach out His hands and touch and make new, forgive sins and offer new life. That's our God. He doesn't change. He still loves to bring wholeness and a life in Him beyond the old story.

We also look at what He did on the cross. Here He stretched out His hands for our rescue. Because He delivered us by the finished work on the cross...
Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty." A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus' lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. (Jn. 19:28-30)
...we get to spend today and eternity knowing Him.
Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. (Jn. 17:3)
A hand that willfully, wants to, reach out and rescue. A hand that stretched out on the cross, and a hand that will hold us today and lead us into eternity. But hands are connected to someone. That hand is His hand. The One you can know, Who has known you all along, and wants you to know Him more. For all eternity.

It's that hand extended, reaching out to you, to rescue you, once and for all, out of your old story, out of your past.

We have the same choice Rahab did. Will we grab on?

Just another seed of my faith,